News & Insights
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No Cookies? No Problem. Futureproof Your Brand With Creator Marketing

GDPR. CCPA. The era of third-party ad targeting is coming to an end. Digital advertising is getting a makeover and cutting out cookies is how they’re trimming the fat. The marketing industry has been figuring out ways to still target and influence consumers while implementing stringent new privacy standards both in the U.S. and abroad....

September 12th 2022

How Programmatic Audio Delivers Transparency and Brand Safety

The digital audio market has been experiencing incredible growth, especially within podcast advertising, which surpassed $1 billion in 2021 for the first time ever. This growth represents a 74% year-over-year (YOY) increase in revenue, which is more than twice the 35% YOY increase the entire internet media category experienced.¹ As a result, we’re seeing our industry...

August 25th 2022

Episode 31 - Why We Love True Crime

Why do we love stories of true crime? Is it the fear? Is it the thrill? Or is it the feeling of "what if" that these stories often times elicit? In this episode of On the Mic with Ad Results Media, Lindsay Boyd walks Nathan Spell through the science behind why we're obsessed with true...

March 22nd 2021

Fueling One of the Fastest Growing Audio Platforms

We sat down with some of the biggest names in podcasting like Spencer Brown (Founder and CEO of Cadence13) and podcaster Andrew Jenks, to see how content, channels, agencies and advertisers are helping move the industry forward at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. See the infographic below on the current podcast landscape...

October 2nd 2019

Demystifying the Podcast Ecosystem

“Entertainment always comes first. If you’re not entertaining, the rest will fall apart. Ideally, people really enjoy the story and then afterwards, or the in the days afterwards, they start thinking about the larger picture, or larger themes I tried to trickle in. By2021, podcasting is expected to become a $1 billion global industry. Audience...

September 19th 2019

The Stakes are Higher Than Ever

This Bubble Isn’t Bursting – When you start to see headlines like ‘BuzzFeed Lays Off In-house Audio Team’ and ‘Audible Eliminates Roles Within Original Content Unit’ or ‘Panoply Leaving the Content Business’ – heads start to turn, analysts start to talk, and people start to speculate.

September 28th 2018
On the Mic podcast

We’re so into podcasts we started our own.

Check out the ARM On the Mic podcast for more industry insights.